Today you called
My soul curdled
My skin crawled
Within myself I huddle
You wanted a friend
And here I thought
We had reached the end
Yet still you sought
What is it that you really want?
Who is it that you want me to be now?
Shall I pretend to be a girl bought?
I no longer know how
The girl you seek
Is no longer a part of me
she was meek
But now the kahtt is free
Yeah, She can pretend
Laugh with you
Be your friend
But you know this will not be true
For the kahtt is cunning
The kahtt is quick
She will turn on you
Fall you with a kick
Knock her down
She will bounce back
Without a sound
She will attack
So you see
I am prepared for you
The kahtt is me
And she can crush you
© 1998-2000 kahtt
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